Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Day In The Life Of An Au Pair

6:00am Alarm goes off. I normally lay around for half an hour checking through social media before I get up to get ready for the day.

7:00am I go upstairs and into Tina's bedroom. She is always awake already. She gets changed, brushes her teeth, washes her face and I braid her hair. Tina loves having her hair done and I love doing it so its a good match!

7:20am I go in and wake Ethan up. He is grumpy almost every morning, he just isn't a morning person. He gets dressed and cleaned up eventually.

7:40am I make the two kids cereal. While they eat I pack Ethan's lunch for school and eat some breakfast myself.

7:50am Dominic wanders down stairs. I take his diaper off and sit him on the toilet. He is currently being toilet trained.

8:10am We all pile into the car to drop Ethan at school. When we get home, Dominic eats breakfast and Tina practices her colours and does the small amount of homework that she needs to do.

8:45am Tina's school bus picks her up. I put on a load of washing and make the kids beds while Dom is sitting in his highchair still eating.

9:00am Dominic's turn for some attention. We either play in the toy room, around the house somewhere or if the weather is nice we will go out to the park for a play.

10:00am My gym has a daycare so I drop Dom off and work out with Bec. Dom loves playing with Becs girls and all the other kids.

12:00pm Sometimes Bec, the kids and I will go out for lunch or Dom and I will just come home for some food.

12:30pm. Dom goes down for a nap. This is time that I can catch up on some house work or finish the laundry or if I'm feeling extra tired from the gym I'll have a nap too!

2:30pm Dom wakes up. I take him out of his diaper again and we play and practice toilet training.

3:15pm Dom and I pick Ethan up from school. I give both boys a bath.

3:35pm Tina's school bus drops her home. I give Tina a bath.

4:00pm FINISHED! 

This is just an average weekday. On the weekends we will always go out to fun things like museums, the movies, ect. 

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